Lisätietoja: Irma Reijonen ( Liikenneyhteydet
Torstai 8. tammikuuta 2004 |
10.15 | Tervetuloa -
seminaarin avaus Kansleri Kari Raivio Helsingin yliopisto |
10.30-12.30 |
The Importance of Open Access to Scientific CommunicationTechnically the Internet facilitates the rapid and cost-effective communication of scientific publications, and increasingly researchers are accessing the resources they need in an electronic format. Subscription is however still the dominant business model for publishing, unnecessarily restricting access to only those researchers or those organizations, who can afford to pay the often very expensive licenses. Open access, where the publications are freely available on the web, and the activities are financed by other means, such as author charges, offers a new attractive model, which is very well aligned with the fundamental principles of the scientific community and the interest of society as a whole. The
paradigm shift in scientific publishing Professor Guédons speech was based on his publication In Oldenburg’s Long Shadow: Librarians, Research Scientists, Publishers, and the Control of Scientific Publishing (2001) New trends in online publishing Professor Bo-Christer Björk SciX Project, Hanken, Chairman of FinnOA Working Group
What can we do to promote cheaper and open scientific information? Director David Prosser SPARC Europe
12.15-13.30 | Lounastauko - Lunch |
13.30-14.30 |
Julkaisutoiminta tutkimuksen vaikuttavuuden ja arvioinnin näkökulmastaTieteellisen viestinnän lisäksi julkaisut ovat tutkijan meritoitumisen kannalta keskeisiä. Niitä käytetään tutkimuksen arvioinnissa ja rahoituspäätöksissä. Tutkimusrahoituksen näkökulma Ylijohtaja Anneli Pauli Suomen Akatemia
näkökulma |
14.30 | Kahvitarjoilu - Coffee |
15.00 - 16.00 |
Tutkijan julkaisukanavat - paneelikeskusteluEri tieteenalojen tutkijoiden näkökulmia
julkaisemisen muutoksiin ja open access -julkaisemiseen. |
16.00 | Vapaata seurustelua
glögin ja pipareiden kera |
Perjantai 9. tammikuuta 2004 |
9.15-12.00 |
Open Access - New Models and Future Developments |
9.15 | Change of scientific journals to open access -
new business model
Head of Marketing and Sales Natasha Robshaw, BioMed
10.00-10.30 | Kahvitarjoilu - Coffee |
10.30 |
University as a scientific publisher - institutional repositories in the Netherlands Project Manager Leo Waaijers DARE - Digital Academic Repositories, SURF, ICT and Research
11.15 |
for open access publishing - Nordic models
Ingegerd Rabow Lund University Libraries
12.00-13.15 | Lounastauko - Lunch |
13.15-16.00 |
Workshop 1 |
Workshop 2 |
How to create and
fill institutional repositories?
tieteelliset lehdet vapaasti saataville?
Järjestelytoimikunta: Päivitetty 23.2.2004/ KK |